Early Life

Spiritual Masters of the Heart have been appearing consistently to Katy since she was 4 years old. Often they would appear in magnificent waves of blue water and brilliant white light. 

Although born into the Catholic faith, when her family began falling apart, she explored other religions and faiths searching for the truth, the respect and love of all peoples. Katy's heart poured out deep and strong poetry questioning the very nature of God - the truth of love and the purpose of life. By the age of 15, Katy's poetry was published in the Kutztown State College newspaper in Pennsylvania, winning her a writing scholarship to the Regional School of the Arts.

In her senior year, at Central Catholic High School in Allentown, PA, a Catholic priest advised her spiritual experiences were beyond the understanding of religion, recommending she walk the self-directed path of her heart's spirit, not man's discourse of religion. 

Katy passionately pursued personal and formal study in world religions and spirituality seeking the respectful balance of spiritual discipline in daily living and worship as she had come to know with her most beloved Masters of the Heart. Her journey inspired an ordination as a member of the clergy in a teaching that embodied many of the truths her childhood Masters taught, yet still, Katy realized, the sociology of religion was not the spirituality of her personal truth.