Personality Theory Reflections
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Developed Hierarchy of Needs to explain human motivation, Co-founder of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology
Founder of Individual Psychology which emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual.
Developed Analytical Psychology explaining the Individuation Process in the development of self in relationship to the collective unconscious and co-founder of Transpersonal Psychology
Championed Client- Centered Therapy and Co-founder of Humanistic Psychology
Exploring Attachment Theory in Adult Relationships
“Standing in Love” rather than “Falling in Love.” - research paper by Katy Rose (2018)
Feminist Approaches to Personality Theory
Understanding the Individual in relation to sociopolitical context: the influence of structures on personality development
Embracing physical discipline, meditation and devotional chanting to calm the mind and focus consciousness on the immortal self