Terms of Service
Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing prioritizes your health and well-being through an intricate trust and belief in your personal integrity and desire to promote transformational healing. My intent for you is spiritual-wellness, therefore your emotional and mental bodies of consciousness will align with your Soul purpose.
As a professional Spirit-Mind-Body medicine, Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing activates your Soul Light Intelligence by guiding you through a gentle meditation accompanied by spiritual clairvoyance to identify the energy, imagery and movement related to the feelings and thoughts associated with an unresolved life experience preventing an overall sense of peace, contentment and resilience.
You will then safely companion with its message, gain insight, and awaken gratitude with the ability to genuinely forgive as you release the energy, imagery and movement serenely into the Light, with loving kindness, thus restoring your personal peace and life purpose with spacious clarity and resolve.
The origins of this healing style began in a Near Death Experience related to a very severe traumatic event. I entered the Light in my death and received a profound healing in subtle body transformation. When my healing was complete, I met the eternal source who then said to me:
“Take my Heart and give to others what I have given you today. Be the direction of your own Spirit.”
I am a Subtle Body Healer sourced in energy medicine that is based in spirituality, contemplative psychology and a Near Death Experience. I am not licensed or registered with the state of Colorado as a medical professional, nor am I a licensed therapist. Colorado does not require licensing for my healing modality.
Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing does not replace any current therapies or medical protocols and does not provide acute emotional and mental health crisis intervention. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, for immediate help, please call the National Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 988
Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing carries professional liability insurance and clearly respects your personal dignity and engagement through the professional services offered for transformative healing. Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing is not psychotherapy, therefore, details of a trauma are not discussed or intimately processed as in traditional therapy which utilizes the mental acuity of the human personality to heal the undesired behaviors caused by the unresolved pain.
Both Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing and traditional psychotherapy support establishing an evolving baseline of human competence in relationship with oneself and others. The difference between the two modalities is that Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing operates through your Soul Voice, whereas, traditional psychotherapy operates through the cognitive intelligence of your human mind.
Clients usually guided towards sessions with Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing feel intuitively connected to this work having usually done a good amount in their own personal work, perhaps through psychotherapy, pastoral counseling, meditation, journaling, art/music, chants, movement, prayer, yoga, or wilderness therapy.
Meets and Greets (15-30 minutes) are available at no charge to discuss further if Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing is the right choice at this time to support your healing journey. I welcome all sincere inquiries.
Clients are welcomed to discontinue service, change consent or leave at any time. If at any time a client feels discomfort during the healing process, please notify me immediately, so an adjustment can be made to support your personal sensitivities.
Katy Rose of Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing LLC reserves the right at her sole discretion to pause or discontinue further sessions for any reason and if it is determined other forms of healing may become more appropriate. If this should occur, suggested optional resources will be provided for you as the client to explore responsibly in continuing support of your healing journey.
I agree to release Katy Rose and Eagle Heart Wisdom Healing LLC and its affiliates from any perceived, real or imagined liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session. I agree I am solely responsible for the experience, process and outcome of my healing journey.
I understand and accept these Terms of Service.
Meet and Greets: No charge. 15-30 minutes.
All Healing Sessions require full payment before the time of appointment. A Pay Pal invoice will be emailed to you for this purpose once your time is confirmed by Katy.
Rescheduling requires a 24 hour notice to avoid a $35.00 cancellation fee. Prior payment balance will be applied towards the rescheduled appointment less the cancellation fee if applicable. If the cancellation fee is not applicable, then your full prior payment will be applied to your newly scheduled appointment when a 24 hour notice is given.
Cancellation Without Rescheduling: If you provide a 24 hour notice, a refund will be issued less a 10% fee through Pay Pal. If you do not provide at least a 24 hour notice, you will still receive a refund through Pay Pal less a 20% fee. Refunds may take up to 30 days to post to your account, per Pay Pal disclosures.
Testimonials are warmly welcomed and appreciated both verbally and in writing and will be used in literature and/or posted on the website with your permission. Full name disclosure is not necessary for the publishing of the testimonial to protect your personal privacy. We may use initials or perhaps your first name with last initial. Your choice.
1. Initial first session: $125
2. Subsequent sessions: $90
3. Specials:
Referrals: $80 (If you are an established client and refer someone, you will receive one session for $80 after the referred client's session.)
Birthday Month: $75 (one session only for established clients)
4. Discounted Prepaid Packages
(3) Sessions: $250 ( savings of $125)
can be purchased for the initial session
(5) Sessions: $425 (savings of $200)
can be purchased for the initial session
5. Hardship Rate: $69
If you are on food or cash assistance
6. Gift Certificates Available
- in any amount
Meet and Greet: 15 - 30 Minutes
Meet and Greets are not Healing sessions. They are engaging conversations to establish a potential client's comfort in the value and received benefit of the work. They are scheduled either in my office or a Longmont coffee shop of your choice.
Important Policy Details
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call the National Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 988.
All healing sessions are scheduled for 60 minutes. Session time begins at the scheduled appointment time and includes discussion time before and after the healing. If a session goes beyond 60 minutes, there will be a $25 additional fee per quarter hour entered (every 15 minutes with a maximum of 30 minutes allowed.)
You become an established client after your first initial healing session.
Referral Special of $80 for one session for the established client.
Gift Certificates for new clients are applicable to an Initial Single Session or credit towards a Prepaid Package Special.
Gift certificates do not hold cash value - only healing session gift credit and can not be combined.
Promotional Gift Certificates are no longer valid, therefore, hold no value, thus, cannot be used as payment towards a healing session.
Only Gift Certificates dated from January 1, 2025, forward are valid for their face amount towards healing sessions.
Rescheduling requires a 24 hour notice to avoid a $35 cancellation fee.
No shows incur the full session fee without refund.
Cash or Check, payable to Katy Rose or EHWH is another payment option. Return check fee: $32.00 (that is the fee my bank will charge me if your check is returned.)
Online Healing Sessions may be available on a limited basis via Zoom if unable to schedule during office hours.