Soul Scripts
Enlightenment - Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher and founder of Taoism.
Express yourself completely, then become quiet. Open yourself to heaven and earth and be like the forces of nature: when the wind blows, there is only the wind; when it rains, there is only the rain; when the clouds pass, the sun promises to shine. If you open yourself to insight, you are at one with insight and you can use it completely. Open yourself to heaven and earth, then trust your natural responses, and everything will fall into place. –
What is Spiritual Bypassing? - Katy Rose (2018)
Buddhist psychologist, John Welwood in 1984 coined this term to describe "a widespread tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks."
Reflections on Shen Cycle - Katy Rose 2017
I am the fire that gives birth to earth in the late summer of yellow sound. I am joy in the singing of harvest when as fire, I separated the pure from the not so pure as the supreme controller: Heart. I taste sweetness in the hot humidity as autumn weeps in letting go of pungent smell. I am not without grief as the blue reservoir of deep water holds thought innocently moistening the planner with the shouting green of spring growth. I am the decision maker and I love the brilliant red of fire’s speech. If my child cries, call mother water for balanced presence, as I remember the windy summer of grandma’s heart.
Divine and Science - Katy Rose (2005)
There is a respectable place of common ground when one day the intuitive experiential experiences will be met with the highly developed intellectual perspective with a trusting openness and in time, the two will emerge into a greater respect and acceptance of God’s love.
Life is the Sacred Trust, the true communion between Soul and its Creator.- Katy Rose (2003)