
In December of 2022, while looking through the Longmont Magazine, I saw a small ad mentioning Eagle Heart Wisdom.  I investigated a little on the internet and decided to give Katy Rose a try.  I am so thankful that I did. 

Through three powerful sessions I felt such comfort and release of the difficult issues that I was having a hard time overcoming.  She had what I would call a divine intuition of what it was that I needed to work on.

She guided me gently and beautifully with meditation and visualization. I felt a closer connection to the divine during each session and left with a lighter heart and such comfort. 

Katy has a gift and is a gift for those lucky enough to cross paths with her.

Mary W., Boulder, Colorado

Amazing! Absolutely amazing experience with Katy Rose!

Katy’s ability to heal our wounds at our soul level is a true gift.

She knew what I couldn’t put into words: a shadow over my life which was relating to family issues.

I feel joy and happiness that I haven’t felt in awhile and feel the clearance of pain from the past which has brought me into a brighter place emotionally.

Katy changes people lives for the better. She’s an absolute gift!

Robyn Thompson – Morrison, Colorado

Fantastic clearing of energies and release of emotions. Katy Rose is a magnificent channel for healing.

Jan Hamilton, PhD – Houston, Texas

First, I just want to say that Katy was not only professional but very caring and kind, which I think every great healer possesses.

I found the entire process a comfort for the soul, and afterwards felt a strong sense of peace within myself and felt my energy cleansed.

Since my session with Katy I feel a calmness, and a healing took place within me. I no longer question my own gifts, and know deep down that we all have the ability to communicate with God, our higher power, angels and guides.

I would highly recommend Katy to anyone that is interested in Spiritual Healing. I immediately trusted Katy and knew whatever message she was about to give me was for my higher good.

Katy has a way of making you feel like you’ve known her all of your life. She is an amazing person.

Peace Love & Blessings – Annie G., Longmont, CO

I am a person who, for many years now, has been able to accomplish my own work, without assistance, on clearing and healing personal issues. I have had many issues to clear in my life and learned how to do this from a good teacher. Recently, having gotten to a place in my own growth that I just didn’t seem to be able to move through, I made an appointment with Katy Rose.

Our session was quite powerful – extraordinary even. With Katy’s help I found my way into core family issues experienced on a spiritual level and was gently guided through them.

I honestly don’t remember a lot of details about the session. What I do know is that beginning a few days after the session, what had been blocked energy was now free and moving…  and has been ever since then.

I thank you Katy for sharing your gifts with the world…  and I highly recommend that anyone considering working with Katy should!

Katy is an authentic healer who wants only to use her abundant skills to help others.

Lynne R. –  Educator, Entrepreneur, Author – Boulder, CO

Katy Rose is a very gifted spiritual healer who connects at a deep heart and soul level with her clients.

With grace and warmth she guided my session as I met my spirit helpers and was shown aspects of my life in need of healing.

I now feel able to meet each day with confidence and strength thanks to Katy’s assistance. I highly recommend her!

Dr. Shayn Smith – Retired Counselor of CU Boulder, Colorado

When I first was told of Katy Rose, I immediately sensed a guidance to have a session with her. She connected right into me.

I felt extremely comfortable with her loving and gentle approach.

She shared on many levels what she could see happening and I could feel the healing work taking place. She revealed information I could identify with and knew this was in my highest good.

The shift that occurred was profound.

I didn’t know what to expect but as I became aware I found that I had direction and was no longer searching for a way through this.

What is really going on is addressed and that is where the healing work did more than just “treat” me;

it has given me the in-sight as to how to support my healing.

This healing process will continue as I move forward with myself. I have seen the changes and others have noticed as well.

I have been blessed and I give my gratitude and appreciation for the many gifts Katy Rose has for us all.

Rebecca Ramon, “Featherheart” Shaman Healer, The Woodlands, Texas

After a session with Katy I felt grounded and calm, whole and confident.

My heart felt light and I noticed immediately that I was less critical of others, choosing to see them with love rather than judgment.

The session also provided me with guidance regarding my purpose.

Katy Rose is a gifted healer!

I am so grateful for the time I spent with her!

Holly B., Colorado Real Estate Broker

I must admit, I was skeptical, however, after a few minutes with Katy, I was completely at ease.

I had been trying to heal from past issues for years with very slow progress. Katy validated many things for me helping me to heal from some long held trauma.

After only one treatment with Katy, it was like everything opened up inside me; I immediately felt more grounded, clearer minded and renewed.

My experience has been amazing and surely will contribute greatly to my overall health and well-being.

Jodi N. – Loveland, Colorado

Katy has a deep intuitive mind which she used to find just the right treatments for me. The suggestions she offered were helpful in controlling my infection. And I felt better the next day. But most importantly, Katy also helped me heal the deeper pain in my heart. Thank you, Katy.

Paul W. – Artist – San Francisco, California

Healing with Katy I experienced immediately.

It brought up for me an issue that had needed healing for some time. The messages she gave me from my guide were accurate.

I feel grateful for the benefit I have received. Love and Light to you, Katy Rose.

Roberta H. – Houston, Texas